



Testimony of Sushil Patil & family

At the age of 18, in the year 2005 I moved to a place called Pune for my higher education. I was very excited to be away as I had always dream of freedom and independence. Since childhood I felt as if I'm given least importance and last priority, so this phase of mine...

JESUS rescues the ‘homeless’ couple

From left: Roger, the young man, his dad, Jane Thank GOD for saving our day... oops I mean night... when we arrived almost 'homeless' near midnight at Jiufen, Taipei, Taiwan on 6th January 2017As usual, we booked our hotel through Agoda before our recent trip to...

Protected from harm

Praise Jesus! Both Alvin and me were in this bus! Praise Jesus for His shield of protection for us! We were in the bus, and suddenly the big bang happened. We did not know what happened and all were thrown all over the place. Both Alvin and I were standing and we were...

The Mind

The Mind

Playing with the mind Feeling “shiok” about “imagining” myself injuried, and bad things happen to myself. These are all that I felt “good” about when I started to imagine in my mind… I did not think it was bad. I just sat down and “meditated” on the wrong harmful...

Latest Sermon Notes

You are worth it all

You are worth it all

Sermon Note Pastor Lawrence With Jesus i have everything to overcome anything. There is a hope thet came from Him. With Jesus we can overcome anything The Upper Room when 120 disciples received holy spirit, they were in Mount Zion Mount Zion is also known as City of...

Be occupied with Christ

  Sermon Note Pastor Prince God wants His people to be occupied with Christ, even though something bad happened Go into all the world and preach the gospel The gospel is for the whole world Everything about the burnt offering is all about the cross Fine flour....

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