Sermon Note

Sermon Note

  Sermon note Pastor Prince He is a respecter of faith. The woman with issue of blood came in the midst of crowd and touched Jesus’ hem of garment. The Lord stopped and said who touched Me He felt power went out of Him. He turned around and started looking for...
Wisdom of God

Wisdom of God

  Sermon note Pastor Prince Showers of blessings on you God when He wants to preach righteousness to us, He points us to wild flowers and said look at the lily of the field. Look at how they grow Look at how they grow. They toil not neither do they spin. They are...
Sermon Note

Wisdom from God

  Sermon note Pastor Gabriel Psalms 119:97-100 מ MEM Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your...
Sermon Note

Wisdom from God

  Sermon note Pastor Prince The very first thing when we are born again is eternal life. We are joint heirs with Christ We receive the inheritance now Sense of sonship then you can afford to be a servant The glory and dignity is not there when someone wash your...
Sermon Note

Sermon Note

Sermon Note Pastor Prince Ours is the Lord’s day. Jesus died and rose again on a Sunday. Sunday is the first day of the week. For us, Jesus rose on a Sunday which is number 8 in the bible and it stands for new beginning. The principle of Psalm 92 It opens up with...