Sermon note (2nd svc)By Pastor Ray Bevan
Grace always shout louder than anything in your life. 
In a boxing ring, a christian fight a devil. The devil hit the christian to the canvas ground and the referee countdown to 10, and the devil thought he won and the referee kept on shouting 11,12 and continue and the devil shouted it is not fair. The referee is grace! Grace keeps on counting till you get up from the hit!
Disappointment because your prayers have not been answered for years. You might be lying down on your canvas feeling disappointment in your hearts. The disappointment in people. Some of you have been unfairly treated, betrayed by people and you are so full of disappointment. Some of you are finding it difficult to trust God. When you hear preacher say trust God when you are on the floor. When something seemingly simple but in practise can be so hard. 
Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.
There is a battle ragging for our trust. The Lord vs our emotions!
Would it be easier if you din want revenge and din get jealous? 

Would it be easier if you dun need to deal with all those trust?
Devotion is easy if it was not for our emotions and feelings. 
Thank God He understands that and He came down to this earth in the Person of Jesus to reassure us that He understand and been human!!
Hebrews 4:15-16

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Those who are going thru stuffs (disappointments) like tat. It is enough for you to know that He knows. 
Jesus did not allow His emotion life to hinder His spiritual life. 
Mark 14:33-34

And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.”
Jesus demonstrated how to trust God when emotionally stress. 
Even though His emotion are screaming out, He chose not to depend or trust on His emotion!!
1 Peter 2:23

who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously;
He left His case in the hands of God who judges fairly. 
That is the hardest thing to do when people are unfair to you. The reason it is hard when your emotion wants to react. Your emotion don’t like the consequences of trusting God. The feeling of vulnerability. 
Stay on the cross. Is safer there. 
When He was insulted and unfairly treated, He trusted His case and handed His case to God. 
By handling my case to God, i felt vulnerable. You cannot get more vulnerable than Jesus on the cross! 
When your emotion is stress and u feel so vulnerable, trust God. 

The peace of God will rule over! 
Feeling can’t handle vulnerability. They need assurance. 
I am continue surprised by the grace of God. 
Grace sometimes turn up in the most unusual places and when you least expect it!
With all my bad decision and failures, God works out all things for my good
When hurt and betrayal, grace is always dispense to me!!
When we are unfaithful in our services, we are surprised that God is always faithful to me!
I am surprised when my humanity screamed our for sensibility, He always give me surprises!
You will feel vulnerable, you will be surprised how the grace of God will hold us. 
When you go through it, you will be able to help someone else. 
Hand over my case to God when i am treated unfairly! 
The stuffs u r facing right now, it is the greatest opportunity! You may be on the floor, you are going thru another level of trusting God. 
Daniel trusted God and became vulnerable to the hunger of lions. 
Smell of Lamb! The smell of Lamb is a smell of Christian trusting God even though they are feeling vulnerable!
It is aroma of trust!! The aroma of trust is a smell of death to some and a smell of life to you!
The smell of Lamb coming forth!!

The smell of Lamb raising up ! Our spirit is dancing because of the smell of Lamb dancing in this house!!
Is the aroma of trust!!

Trust God even though you are exposed to vulnerability 
When the holy spirit said let go, your feeling cried out said hang on
Trusting God means surrendering control of the situation which is out of your control.
Leave your case in the hands of God
The expert is here. His name is Jesus. He is in charge of your life. When He said let go, let go!
Some of you have to let go. Trusting God means you will feel vulnerable. What out of control situation, are you trying to control?
Hand your case over to God. You may feel worse and feel exposed, you can’t get more vulnerable than this. 
Some of u may have to let go of your relationship

Some of u need to let go of ur worry
Leave it to God. 

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