Beauty & Perfect…
He is.

Beauty You are
Perfect You are
Yet without form You became
To the cross You went
Desiring to be like a child
Fully trust You
Desiring to be like a child
So carefree and so joyful
Yes, You desire
That I trust You
Not because of any other reason
Simply because You know You will
Simply because You are my I AM in life
In every situation
You are
In every situation
Life You give
Give life to the dead
And call forth things that are not as though they did
Yes You are the I AM in my life
Believe and I shall receive,
You said
Trust fully
And enjoy Your joy to the fullest in my life
Pray and desire He to give to me
And He said
Ask and believe in my heart that I have received.
Not for any other reason
But because He has indeed given.
– evelynzoe