Sermon Notes
Pastor Stephanie (Heaven On Earth Ministry)
Jesus the only door to true freedom
Everything Jesus said, He always said is the truth and the truth will set us free.
We have a lot of meaning for freedom today. Like women fight for freedom. People wants to be free. But free from what? You must know freedom from what before we can be free.
The prisoners want to be free from ?
They want to be free physically from prison.
To be confined we want to be free.
Too long confined we will feel very uncomfortable.
What is Jesus talking about?
When He said I come and set you free?
Fact is in sense realm
Truth is eternal
Only truth can set us free
John 10:7-9 TPT
7 So Jesus went over it again, “I speak to you eternal truth: I am the Gate for the flock. 8 All those who broke in before me are thieves who came to steal, but the sheep never listened to them. I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction.
When we go through Jesus we will experience life, freedom and satisfaction
John 10:9 AMP
9 I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved [and will live forever], and will go in and out [freely], and find pasture (spiritual security).
Total wholeness
Live forever and will go in and out freely
John 10:10-11 TPT
10 A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow! 11 I am the Good Shepherd who lays down my life as a sacrifice for the sheep.
Absolute Fullness of life
Logos – written Word of God
The Word of God became human form in Jesus
Life Real and Genuine
The abundance life and the life Jesus comes to give is devoted to God
When we receive the Lord, spirit is saved
Understand spirit soul and body
In the new believers’ mind, if they are not aware of spirit soul and body, they are confused
Trust in Christ last forever
Everyone the physical body will die
We are previously caged
Freedom – go through the door and fly out
The door is there already. Jesus is there.
There is a freedom to fly and soar.
What is this freedom about?
Romans 5:17 TPT
17 Death once held us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah!
Romans 5:18 TPT
18 In other words, just as condemnation came upon all people through one transgression, so through one righteous act of Jesus’ sacrifice, the perfect righteousness that makes us right with God and leads us to a victorious life is now available to all.
Perfect righteousness – a victorious life! Zoe life is victory
Romans 5:19 TPT
19 One man’s disobedience opened the door for all humanity to become sinners. So also one man’s obedience opened the door for many to be made perfectly right with God and acceptable to him.
Through Jesus, everyone who believe in Him is made perfectly right with God and acceptable to Him
Is not to make us good people
To make us acceptable to God on His terms
Is not about how good we make ourselves
The whole journey in life is to know Him
Paul said his whole purpose in life is to know Him
Righteousness is the state of him who is as he ought to be
Perfect righteousness – just as Jesus is. Without sin. This is the only righteousness God accept without sin
In the world everyone born of Adam is sinner.
The only one God accept is that person sin has been washed away and without sin. It has to be from Jesus
No matter what we do, we cannot meet the requirements
Jesus has no sin in His blood.
Whole humanity are sinners
When we believe Christ we can live and ought to live in this perfect righteousness
This righteousness must be acceptable and approved of God
This righteousness includes all these
Correctness of thinking, feeling and acting
First part is spirit – we receive this righteousness into our spirit man
Feeling – we cannot remove this part
When God said we can live as we ought to be in this perfect righteousness- in thinking and feeling
As He is, so are we in this world
Our thoughts and feelings can be in line with and acceptable to God
Romans 6:6 TPT
6 Could it be any clearer that our former identity is now and forever deprived of its power? For we were co-crucified with him to dismantle the stronghold of sin within us, so that we would not continue to live one moment longer submitted to sin’s power.
Sin was within us
Stronghold of sin within us
That was our identities before we know Christ
A stronghold is like a cage
When you know the gospel you will know you are not a sinner after you received Christ
It is not just a term
God created us. Body is to enjoy this world. 5 senses. Everything He created on earth is for man to enjoy.
We still enjoy through the body.
It is not evil for us to enjoy.
We are been created to connect the world and to enjoy.
The only problem is the sin inside the spirit
When we got born again we receive the spirit of adoption
Not good enough is always to someone
Romans 8:15 TPT
15 And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!”
First part is fear
In the garden where Adam and Eve was created, first thing that came upon him was fear
Fear of now he is no more good enough to stand in the presence of God
When God came to fellowship with them, they fear and hide
They saw their nakedness and was ashamed of their nakedness.
After the disobedience he is so scare of who he is now.
There is a fear so he has to hide
Today we hide ourselves
We have received the spirit of full acceptance
We fear we no longer accept by God
Fear and acceptance is opposite each other
To know we are accepted we get rid of fear
Agape love is unconditional
The only way that makes us acceptable to God is by grace through faith
It means it is underserved
God accept us as His children we don’t deserve it.
When we were sinners we are deserved to be punished
The first faith was given by Holy Spirit for us to receive Him as our Saviour
He now can accept us the way we accept Jesus
We are accepted on this condition
Not because we do or did not do
We don’t need to do anything to be accepted by God
We have received the spirit of acceptance
You are free to feel any emotions you want.
But the bible says you are a slave
In the mind you are still not free
The soul consist the will the mind the emotion
Most people are still not free
We need to change our mind. Our thinking, feeling and actions
This imprisonments to wrong thinking is all inside our mind
2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
The new creature – the spirit
What things passed away? In the physical and mind still the same, we are a new creature. A new creature – a new formation
In the spirit everything changed
We are completely new
Main thing about Adam is sin nature
This new spirit man don’t have sin nature
We are good as Jesus is good in the eyes of the Father.
The whole DNA changed but is in the spirit
Know we are spirit soul and body than we have clarity
What is given to this spirit man is the ℓσνє of God, righteousness, acceptable before God and not by what we do anymore
God only accept what is perfect righteousness
In the eyes of God everyone has sin
We are not an improved version of Adam
We are a completely new version of Jesus
We completely cut off from Adam when we are in Christ
It is like Jesus is the One “gave birth” to us
We are born from above!
Your spirit a new format. Not a improved version. Completely new.
We are not sinless like Jesus but our sins have been removed
It is not about good and bad if it is about from our inherit from our parents and grandparents
Our first grandparents is Adam and Eve
Galatians 5:1
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
From the cage to the sky, the living condition is different
If we allow the old Adamic thinking to be in us we are still in the cage
Stand fast
The old nature – we said we are “born like this”
This freedom is the freedom of mind
Free from slavery or bondage to sin
Sin is not just about someone or killing someone
Sin -> missing the mark / losing the prize
Paul said he continue to press on towards the prize of high calling of God
God’s standard is so high. Is 100%
Even 0.01 percent of sin is not acceptable to God
Sin miss the mark even by very little
Only Christ can set us free
We now can live as we should
We should be living out this perfect righteousness because it is not our own effort
We won’t say we should unless we know we can
A perfect nature has been given to us as a gift
So our spirit man can live as we should
When we know who we are
Than what should we do
This is actually the new creation
We can live like Jesus
We been righteous is not defined by what we do and not do
A dead man cannot do anything
That is what Paul tells us
When Jesus died, our spirit man died with Him
We were enslaved to
Generally we don’t want to tell lies. But we label it as white lies to make it “ok”
This is about human mind trying to justify our actions
Religion does not permit someone who is badly behaved to be accepted by God or to receive blessings.
Today we are not into good and bad. But we are into life! Life or reborn again into heaven
Our nature now is the righteousness of God
Our spirit already born again. That is why we can enter heaven.
Not everyone is walking in the perfect righteousness that is acceptable to God that is why we have half law half grace
In the end we are not living in the victorious life
When we do that we will automatically have fear, guilt, inferiority, not good enough
We are in the prison of not good enough and trying to be good so we can fly out
It starts from the fear of not good enough to God and then to everyone and to ourselves too
This liberty -> to live in His righteousness and not our righteous
We were born again free!
Free from sin
Free from guilt
Free from condemnation
Is the result of our birth. Not the result from our work
This new bird is now born free
We are the real one born free in Christ
The devil still trying to keep us in the cage in the mind
In the mind there are a lot of lies and half truth that tells us we are not good enough
That God does not accept us freely unless we are well behaved.
We are born free from the bondage through slavery to sin
When we are born from heaven we are not born to slave. Heaven has no slave. Every lives in heaven is born free.
We now ceased to be a slave
Sin is miss the mark of God’s perfection for God to accept us
We now ceased to be a slave. We are free!
Free from the yoke of the Mosaic law. It is about human effort to please people and to please God
When you please someone you are been obedient to the person
We please people because we want them to like us and to bless us.
To be accepted into their circles or friends
Pleasing causes us to be accepted
You want to be recognised and loved.
The most basic human needs
You do everything in your ability to please the person
When we receive the perfect gift of righteousness, Jesus did not need to do anything but to be His Son
Doing things to please God will not put you under more favourable position
The most “pleasing” to God is to accept Jesus and to accept the gift.
The gift meant to bring joy
On one hand we want favour
On the other hand we want to earn it
Simple thing is just receive as a gift.
Salvation has to be a gift. Just receive as a gift.
A slave has no rights.
God already given us His gift
We are citizen in heaven
Philippians 3:20 AMP
But [we are different, because] our citizenship is in heaven. And from there we eagerly await [the coming of] the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ
We are citizen of heaven. We are children of God
As a citizen of heaven we can move everywhere freely
Free from dominion of sin
There is no needs of His than cannot be met. His source is from heaven. Jesus walked around completely free from what man are bound by.
We can have complete access to God
There is no circumstance that we need to do by ourselves.
As Jesus did. The freedom is free from the dominion of sin.
Under law is self righteousness
Under law is self effort
We trying to please God and to please people and trying to be good.
Grace is we don’t need to try anymore
We can live as we ought or as we should
Renew our minds. Truth will set us free
Lies bind us
Half truth half lies is more dangerous than a direct lie
Catch in or as in a trap
They were ensnared in city centre traffic
It is trying to be good. Thinking we are good by our own effort
We are ensnared when we are in the state of mind of needing to please someone.
Nobody in the right mind will want to make the boss angry.
This result in fear. Fear of not behaving that will lose our salvation
Fear we are not accepted anymore
This is what cluttered and ensnared us
We have the thoughts in our minds that we need to be accepted.
It is all acceptance
Just receive the gift of perfect righteousness and we are accepted already.
This is the starting point to be cleared by been ensnared
It is so much in our lives that we are doing this.
Perfect righteousness of God is to stand before God without guilt, shame and inferiority. This is freedom through Christ.
We feel obligation but in Christ there is no obligation. God does not require anything from us accept to believe in Jesus
If anyone needs you to do something to be accepted by the person, than it is not worth it.
The need to please someone is like a yoke
Sin don’t allow you to be free
Only in Christ, be yoked to Christ
Don’t yoke to slavery
Eph 4:22 TPT
22 And he has taught you to let go of the lifestyle of the ancient man, the old self – life, which was corrupted by sinful and deceitful desires that spring from delusions
sinful desire comes from delusions
Deceit – deception
You must first be free in your mind.
You don’t need to tell a free person to be free.
Unless you know the person is not free.
Lie is outright
Deception and delusions is half truth half lie. You buy into the belief
Deception is we start to fall into the belief.
1 Timothy 2:14 (NJKV)
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
If we are clear about the truth than we won’t fall into the lie
Half truth half lies and we are deceived
We are already made good by Christ
This good is His goodness. Not mine trying to be good.
I can now live out His goodness
Just know who we are and not trying to be good but we will get the good nutritious from the Holy Spirit
Eph 4:23-24 TPT
23 Now it’s time to be made new by every revelation that’s been given to you.
24 And to be transformed as you embrace the glorious Christ-within as your new life and live in union with him! For God has re-created you all over again in his perfect righteousness, and you now belong to him in the realm of true holiness
Put off the old man but put on the new man who is created in Christ
Anything outside of Christ is not true righteousness and holiness that is accepted to God
Spirit man identify us as
- New creation
- Inner man / inward man (praying in the spirit)
- Hidden man of the heart
Let the beauty be from the hidden man of the heart
Embrace Christ within us as our new man
God has recreated us all over again
He recreated us in His perfect righteousness
We belong to Him in the realm of true holiness
Ephesians 4:24 (MSG)
and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.
Is not we trying to produce a good character.
We are reformatted and recreated
Now God will work. God does it all for us and we just need to corporate with Him
God accurately reproduces His character in us !
Romans 12:1-2 TPT
Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.
2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes
Repent is change of thinking
Perfect righteousness of God
When we fly we don’t look right or left. The bird just soar forward.
In our brain got a lot of traffic.
We allow ourselves to have clarity
Why we don’t know what is God’s will?
Our thinking is wrong and we are still trying to please God and please man
Live a beautiful life
Satisfying and perfect in His eyes
Abundance life is a life devoted to God
Our spirit will always desire God and Jesus
Romans 12:3 (MSG)
I’m speaking to you out of deep gratitude for all that God has given me, and especially as I have responsibilities in relation to you. Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it’s important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.
God brings it all to us
What God is
What He does for us
Not by what we are
And what we do for Him
Our only identity is who God is what He has done for us
Our identity in Christ
Who we are in Christ
By doing more we feel bigger and better
This is not according to God
Understand yourself by what God is and what God has done for us