Daily Manna

Chewing : I Will

[Chewing...πŸ₯°πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ€€ Devotional] I wills..look at the numbers of β€œI will” in Exodus A groan will reach God’s throne. Perhaps we are in situation where no more prayers we could pray about it. Perhaps we are in challenges we are no longer know what to do humanly about it....

Chewing | Rest

[Chewing...πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ€€ Devotional] The man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day. Who is this man? Boaz is a type of Jesus. He will not rest until He has concluded the matter for you! Sit still. Our heavenly Boaz wants us to sit still and He will not rest...

Chewing | Champion

[Chewing...πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ€€ Devotional] Opposite of fear is not courage, opposite of fear is faith! πŸ˜±πŸ™ŒπŸΌ In some areas of our lives we face giant of fear. Be it overly concern, it is fear. However it is not trying to be courageous that we can take away the fear. When we fear of...

Chewing | Myrrh

[Chewing...πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ€€ Devotional] Myrrh The fragrance of the myrrh is produced when the tree is cut or wounded. Then its life juice flows from its veins to spread its perfume far and wide (extract from ℓσνє is better than wine book) Myrrh is bitter in taste. Jesus took the...

Chewing | Source of Hope

[Chewing...πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ€€ Devotional] Source of hope Hope shed lights in our situation. When things seem to be uncertain, not good, we need to have hope to look forward to. And God is the source of hope! He will fill us completely with joy and peace because we trust in Him! Wow!...

The mind of Christ

Sermon note Pastor Stephanie and Benjamin (Heaven on Earth Ministry) Luke 8:25 CEV Then Jesus asked the disciples, β€œDon’t you have any faith?” But they were frightened and amazed. They said to each other, β€œWho is this? He can give orders to the wind and the waves, and...

Poem: Not a drop of logic

Absurd it sounds Nor a drop of logic For Only You  Can β„“σνє like this β€”- For a God  To come down from Your throne For a God  To become a Man So that You can die for me β€”- What β„“σνє is this A God with tears For someone like me What β„“σνє is...

Who you say you are

Who do you say you are? ??? Our identity is anchored in Christ! When we fall, do we condemn ourselves? When we see our weaknesses, do we say that is who we...

Happiness – Personal Reflection

Happiness – Personal Reflection 3 John 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Recently I was going through a transition period of job changing. One Saturday, I had to go back to collect my last pay cheque. On...

The Name

Jesus, The Name The Name... Jesus..Jesus..The Name I call on..Jesus...Call to You..Rest in You..Only You can satisfy..Full of You..New in You..Beautiful You areAmazing You areCall on YouThirst found YouHit the rockWater gash outHit the RockWord became fleshDwell in...

Daily Manna


The Lord showed him a tree and when the tree was casted into the waters, the waters were made sweet. The waters of Marah was bitter. Wow see this! Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree. This tree made the bitter water sweet because of Christ!

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Wow!! God Himself, He said He will not in any way fail us, not give us up nor leave us without support! Wow!! He assured us that He will never ever. In Greek text, the word “never” is double negative, never possible, the word “ou me” are used in the essence “never ever” or “never never” (credit taken from 100 Day Of Favor)
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“The One Thing, Feed on His Words”


S O U R C E of blessing
Who is our Source? Jesus, our Lord. He is our Source of blessing. Joseph did not just see that he will be sinning against man, but he saw that he would sin against God if he goes with his master’s wife. Are we worried if we do not do certain things, things won’t happen the way we want to?
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Mountains melt.
Can you imagine mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord? The Lord of the whole earth!
Is there any mountains in our lives that seems to be standing our ways? Troubling us?
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