Care Group


Ephesians 5:18-20

And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank God for every little things in our lives! 

Cursed is the man who does not see when good comes

When there is good in your life and you cannot see, you are cursed. 

See the good in your life! 

Whatever you say you have, more will be given to you

Whatever you say you don’t have, whatever you have will be taken from you

Faith is open

Generosity is open

The Lord can give you

Secret of prosperity is give thanks

Always look for something good to thank God for 

Always look for the good in the situation

No one has authority above you unless it has been placed from above

Don’t talk bad about your own boss. 

Give thanks to the Lord in all things

What are you thankful for in your life?

In the spiritual realm, there is something valuable for you

Is what is invisible to us that has the glory of God that surrounds us

Christ is in us and He is the name above all names

Spirit of fear is real. You as the head of the house you have the power over them. 

The blood of Jesus is the protection over you and your family

Every other spirits cannot touch you. 

Eyes gate

Ears gate

What gets into your heart is the ear

Why subject yourself to fear? Don’t subject yourself to fear

The priest represent the body

You as the head of the house you represent your children

When you say there is power in what you say

Head of the house has the power that God ordain

Speak the spirit of faith. Share pictures of the bible. 

We are made in the image of God. We always have the victory 

Secret of Sarah –

Her youth is renewed in her old age

She was the dominating one in the beginning

To the end when Abraham was 99 years old, Sarah said shall I also have pleasure, my lord being old also. 

God heard her say all these things in her heart. She sees her husband as the head of the house and she honoured him as the lord

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